Clearing Offline Files temporary files from script

There’s a nice button “Delete temporary files” in GUI to clear automatically cached data but no public information how to invoke it from script/API.
I found some nice WMI documentation and after some experimentation I came up with this.
It only runs from admin context. If you want to run it from regular user context, modify flags according to documentation (use only 0x00000002 flag).
It might be a little faster if you filter item list to only include servers (add -Filter ‘itemtype=3’) as default list includes whole UNC trees but I didn’t test it out.

$CSCItemList=(gwmi win32_offlinefilesitem).ItemPath
$CSCWMI = [wmiclass]'\\.\root\cimv2:win32_offlinefilescache'
#0x00000002+0x80000000 to Base10 eq 2147483650