Phew, that’s a long title. But to the point. Many years ago I promised to release that script. In the meanwhile ID-Kaart PKI topology has changed but I think that the script remains quite relevant as it should be quite easy to fix up.
About LDAP interface. I think you need to query both as not all cards from old root have expired.
The official doc for configuring ID-Kaart login:
Unfortunately it lacks mass-loading. Using ADUC per-certificate is just… not scalable at all.
- It was originally written… I guess about 7 or 8 years ago for exactly that reason – manual loading of certificates is just impossible but in the smallest of environments. First attempt used commercial cmdlets as native LDAP in PowerShell used to require (still does?) some native .Net binding and it was easier that way.
- There were a few commercial products for mass-loading but I guess I just closed their businesses if they even still exist (didn’t check)
- In the olden days you required a contract with SK as LDAP was (is?) throttled for those without whitelisted IPs. Too many queries got you blocked for some time. Maybe a few sleeps here and there helps…
- As usual, some logging and crust have been removed.
- I’m not going to discuss all the requirements for SmartCard login, SK’s document has a pretty good overview.
- But you CAN use one certificate with several accounts, unlike stated in SK’s document. Maybe more on this later.
- I don’t remember exactly where I got the LDAP code from but I think it was some SDK example for C# or something. Who knows, MS keeps dropping useful doc all the time so it’s probably gone anyways.
- Maybe oneday I’ll fix it up for new topology, perhaps one query per person or more optimizations…
- Not supported, not tested (after a few changes just now), a bit of code rot (not used by me for years) – understand what you are doing
Function Get-AuthenticationCertificate {
$Filter = "serialnumber=$IDCode"
$BaseDN = "ou=Authentication,o=$Type,c=EE"
$Attribute = "usercertificate;binary"
$Scope = [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope]::subtree
$Request = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest -ArgumentList $BaseDN, $Filter, $Scope, $Attribute
$Response = $LdapConnection.SendRequest($Request, (New-Object System.Timespan(0,0,120))) -as [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchResponse]
If ($Response.Entries.Attributes.$Attribute) {
$Certificate = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2] [byte[]]$Response.Entries.Attributes.$Attribute[0] #Cast byte array to certificate object
Return ("X509:<I>" + $Certificate.GetIssuerName().Replace(", ",",") + "<S>" + $Certificate.GetName().Replace(", ",",")) #Probably string replacement is not needed, just following empirical behavior from ADUC.
#Contains all useful SK LDAP Certificate branches
$SKCertificateBranches = @("ESTEID","ESTEID (DIGI-ID)")
$LdapConnection = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection ""
$LdapConnection.AuthType = [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AuthType]::Anonymous
$LdapConnection.SessionOptions.SecureSocketLayer = $false #New one uses TLS
#Loads AD Users. For example you store ID code in extensionAttribute1.
#There is no validation or filter IF actually user has ID-code stored. That's a task left to you as it's quite environment dependent. For example refer to my article about ID-code validation
$ADUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter *-SearchBase "DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com" -Properties altSecurityIdentities,extensionAttribute1
ForEach ($ADUser in $ADUsers) {
$UserSKCerts = @()
ForEach ($SKCertificateBranch in $SKCertificateBranches) {
$UserSKCert = Get-AuthenticationCertificate $ADUser.extensionAttribute1 $SKCertificateBranch #positiional attributes
If ($UserSKCert) {
$UserSKCerts += $UserSKCert #Slow but whatever, it's a small array
#Arrays must be sorted before compare because they are retrieved in undetermined order
If (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $UserSKCerts -DifferenceObject $ADUser.altSecurityIdentities) {
Set-ADUser $ADUser -Replace @{"altSecurityIdentities"=$UserSKCerts}